Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why We Run

I was flat out unmotivated today, that’s a fact, it was my first day back at work after vacation and I was not enthused…I had picked up 2 more reports in my absence and I could forecast the specter of a landslide of work coming my way as a result of the “do more with less” philosophy permeating my organization.

I wrestled with these thoughts all day.

In the mist of these thoughts a close friend stopped in to tell me that he was done, done with the job, the schedule, politics…He was done, and he was washing his hands and moving on.

He apologized for leaving…

No apology necessary.

My wife graciously packed my gear this morning to help steer me in the right direction, yesterday we ran, played, and stomped our way through a 5 mile trail run.

But that was yesterday, and today is today.

Unmotivated to the last…

My indecision followed me out to the parking deck at the end of the day, and then a strange thing occurred. The slightest ray of sunshine found its way through the depressed concrete to kiss me on the cheek as I loaded up to leave.

A subtle hint I surmised as I returned to the bathroom and fumbled through changing out of my suit, I pointed my car north, & six songs later, I was moving down the trail with stinging sweat in my face, my legs burning to adjust to the hills and grades that have been so neglected out of the necessity of recovery.

Work be dammed, and indecision put aside, I run because I can, because it makes me feel alive.

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